The 3rd Edition of the What’s Next 2Rowing (WN2R) Seminar was held on the sidelines of the World Rowing Championships on Saturday the 9th of September 2023. The session was held in the Team Managers’ Meeting Room at the event venue on the Ada Ciganlija Course situated on the Sava Lake in Belgrade, Serbia.
The seminar focused on a wide perspective of GEDI issues, promoting delivery and discussion on initiatives advancing Gender Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (GEDI) within World Rowing’s communities. The presentations that were delivered raised awareness, and informed participants on initiatives undertaken, progress made, challenges faced, and best practices related to implementing GEDI.

The keynote was delivered by Annamarie Phelps CBE OLY, whose presentation focused on GEDI actions and impact in the Sport Movement: she shared facts and experiences based on her roles in the Council of Europe and the International Olympic Committee.
The engaging presentation was followed by a panel of presentations citing case studies related to best practice in federations and different regions. The presentations provided insight that enabled participants to acquire knowledge and information on activities ongoing.
The programme was loaded with activity and running in close conjunction with the event activities. Due to the time factor, the schedule after coffee break was cut short. The roundtable discussion, the update on the transgender policy as well as the World Rowing leadership Academy were unfortunately not delivered in person; presentations will be available on the WR Education Academy library.
Welcome and Introduction | J. Ravensbergen |
GEDI actions and impact in the Sport Movement | A. Phelps |
Panelist presentations
| J. Ravensbergen |
Closure | J. Ravensbergen |
Credit or successfully hosting this insightful 3rd edition of the WN2R 2023 is due to the Gender Equality Diversity and inclusion Cross Commission, led by Jacomine Ravensbergen.