
World Rowing Championships Racice 2022: Safety & Rigging Educational Sessions

The World Rowing Development Programme for the 2022 World Championships continued the educational sessions delivered to the programme participants with a brief session on safety delivered by coaching expert Ella Willott, who explained how risk assessment and pre-planning for training or competition is an integral part of a coach’s duties towards the overall safety of her/his rowers and all persons involved, as well as giving tips and advice on the extra layer of care and duty that should be covered by coaches when there are para-rowers involved. 

The session was delivered on Tuesday, 20 September.


On September 21st, a hands-on rigging and technique session was given by World Rowing coaching director, Giovanni Postiglione, with the support of the World Rowing coaching team and the participating coaches. 

This practical session was attended by coaches and crews, who found it very informative and an eye opener, giving them a chance to practice and see firsthand how simple modifications to the boat and rigging, can contribute positively to the overall performance and comfort of the rower.